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The Fun of HSC

Belinda Eady

Updated: Aug 12, 2024

At this time of the year, it is a rite of passage for Year 12 students to be stuck inside with their books and pens whilst the rest of the world enjoys spring. It can seem like a long, lonely journey, but it can also be a time of huge personal gain. Maybe that awesome ATAR doesn't happen, but in trying, it is possible to see that with a bit of work, anything is indeed possible . Perceived limitations can be overcome, and by looking after yourself as much as possible at this time, some great results can happen to both body and mind.

It is a given that exercise plays a key role in not only mental sharpness and emotional wellbeing but is also the foundation for all health. All Chocolate Fitness sessions are therefore free for anyone studying for HSC in 2018.

In addition, here is a compilation of the 10 HSC BOOTCAMP TIPS OF THE DAY, as promised:


Melt tog 1C coconut oil, 1/2 C peanut butter, maple syrup and cacao. Pour into baking tin lined with baking paper and place in freezer. Snap off as desired! Can also add: Banana chips, coconut, trail mix, nuts, rice bubbles.....use yr imagination!

TIP NO. 2: Rosemary the Memory Herb

Rosemary is the memory herb. Study with it in a vase next to you then take a sprig into the exam and sniff for recall.

TIP NO. 3: Sunshine

Get 20 minutes of early morning sun on your skin to activate cortisol, your wake up hormone.

TIP NO. 4: Walnuts as Brainfood


Eat walnuts! They look like a brain and their high concentration of DHA, a type of Omega 3 fatty acid, has been shown to improve cognitive performance in adults. If you hate them, try roasting them with soy and maple syrup, then sprinkle with smoky paprika. Keep them in a jar close by for when the munchies strike.

TIP NO. 5: Brain Food c/o Proactive Health Network

Brain foods for breakfast! Get the pre exam ritual happening now so that you are sure that your breakfast will sustain you for the 3 hours of the exam. Also plan what time you will wake up on exam day and start doing it now.

Exam time is quickly approaching for HSC and university students. While study is at the forefront, nutrition is often the furthest thing from students’ minds. However, a healthy diet plays a vital role in attaining optimal academic performance during the rigours and challenges of exam time. Key foods and their components have been found to enhance cognitive function, improve mental alertness and enable sustained concentration to help students learn and remember the themes, concepts or formulas for their final exam.

TIP NO. 6: Sight for Sore Eyes

The fridge is stocked with salmon, eggs, nuts and blueberries, the alarm clock is set for 7 am each day in time for a quick morning run and all is good! Now there is an end in sight, but if your eyes are sore from all that reading, try the following: Tired Eyes Exercises - Every 30 minutes on the computer, or while reading, look as far off into the distance as possible for one to two minutes. - Imagine a clock directly in front of you. Focus on the center point, then look at an hour mark without moving your head. Look back at the center of the clock, and then focus your eyes on another hour mark. Try this 10 times. - Use your eyes to write letters on a distant wall—but keep your head still. - Blink often! Especially while on the computer or if you wear contact lenses. - Lie down on your bed with sliced cucumber or potato and you can even rub banana peel under the eye for dark circles

TIP NO. 7: How to Calm Yourself

c/o YogiSpirit,

If you need to control a physical reaction and reduce anxiety—for example, if you start to get nervous during an exam—you can “reset” yourself by applying pressure to a point between your second and third knuckles (near where your finger and hand meets). Melnick tells us that if you move your thumb down your middle finger toward your palm, you will be able to feel a soft, slightly indented spot, which is on the inside of your finger if your palm is facing up, and if you apply medium pressure here, “it activates a nerve that loosens the area around the heart, so any of that fluttery feeling you feel when you’re nervous will end up going away.”

Instructions: Tip of pinky finger (Mercury) touches the tip of the thumb. The rest of fingers gently extended.

Meaning: This hand Mudra is also known as the “seal of mental clarity and clear communication.” The little finger represents water and communication. When the pinky and thumb are placed together it is meant to symbolize and encourage open communication. It helps balance the water element in the body, activating the salivary glands and moistening dry eyes and skin. This Mudra also helps with gaining higher understanding and discerning intuitive messages to gain knowledge.

HOW TO USE THE MUDRAS TO BALANCE YOUR ENERGY Here is a simplified Kundalini yoga meditation to help balance your energy that you can incorporate into your modern and busy lifestyle. Do it while sitting, standing, walking or lying down.

In a sequence, touch the finger with the tip of your thumb. Do this with both hands simultaneously and keep each connected for a few seconds. Put enough pressure so that you feel the tips touch. The mantra we either speak out loud or mentally vibrate is SA-TA-NA-MA, as each finger touches the thumb. You want to keep your mental focus on your 3rd eye point. This can be done with your eyes open or closed.

TIP NO.8: Some Pens are Mightier than Others

Pens are a very individual choice but the 3 main criteria to consider are: Smoothness, Endurance and Comfort. Apparently a bad pen can cost you as much as 3 minutes in a 3 hour exam so it is well worth a bit of consideration. From a google scan, it appears that the following are the most recommended: 1. Uniball Jetstream Retractable 2. Papermate Inkjoy .7 3. BIC Atlantis Retractable 4. Frixions - these are erasable but can be smudgy and don't last as long. Whatever your choice, remember they have to be black! FYI the pen in the pic is worth $1.47 million, now that's a pen to aspire to!

TIP NO. 9: Stress Stretches

c/o Back To Basics Physiotherapy, Sydney Road

Stretches to relieve study muscle tightness from long periods of sitting and studying. The 4 tightest areas to focus on are: hamstrings, hip flexors, chest and back. Jump up, have a stretch and grab a quick cup of green tea.

TIP NO. 10: Don't Sweat It

On the eve of HSC, Your pen is poised for action, But the mark you make tomorrow, Is only but a fraction, It won't define you, nor restrict you, And if it doesn't go as planned, An ATAR's just a number, And your future's well in hand. So good luck to all you year 12s, We'll be sweating for you all, And when it is all over, You can have a big bad ball!

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